Tuesday, February 16, 2010

christna hendricks meets ellie at work

christina hendricks who is wearing her very beautiful red hair, she invites ellie to her fancy home, a few hours later, while at christina hendrick's home, she helps ellie bring her suit cases and her boxes of youth potion, christina hendricks invites ellie into her very large bed room, a doggie photoagraher named cujo, is planing to take pictures of christina hendricks as a naked woman, but she changes her mind at the last secound, she wraps her naked body, where she partly naked, christina hendricks standing in front of ellie, wearing only a bed sheet covering her naked body, becasuse she went behind a clothes diver to get out of her fancy dress and bra and underwear, ellie gives in ,ellie starts undressed, she gets out of her fancy outfit, hangs it up, nicely and neatly, gets out of her bra and underwear, ellie stands naked woman, she agrees to pose naked as a full then wrapps her her naked body with a bed sheet, ellie is wearing her hair down, all of sudden christina hendricks psycho looking walking into the bed room, christana uses her youth shrink ray gun, he is turned into a new born baby, he crawls out of his clothes crying for his wearing diapears.
a very power full youth godess named madonna, brought with a very young and beautful singer named katy perry, who agreeed to pose nude, when she got done posing nude, she put on nightgown, and tried to leave the room, madonna made her drink a potion, which slowly made her get younger, intill she regreesed into a 10 year old little girl, the nightgown ,that was wearing dropped to the ground ,katy perry was standing in her baggy nightgown, crying for her mommy.
madonna forced both ellie and christina to dropped their bed sheets and stand as naked women, they drank some youth potion, both christiina and ellie put on nightgowns, and slowly started getting younger, intill they both regressed and turned into little girls, both christina and ellie were standing in their baggy nightgown crying for their parents.
madonna became ellie's ,christana and katy perry's mommy.

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